Tottori’s local sake matches the best with dishes using Tottori’s food. We prepared the selection of local sakes carefully created by skilled brewers. In addition, selections of wine, local beer, shochu and other beverages are available. Please enjoy sake of Tottori with food.
中川酒造[鳥取市] Nakagawa Shuzo Sake Brewery [Tottori City]
幻の酒造米「強力」を贅沢にも40%までに精米。新米の蒸しを連想する程香りが高く、濃醇な力強さと甘味を持ったコクが広がります。 Rare sake brewing rice,” Goriki” is richly polished up to 40%. It has strong fragrance that you may imagine steaming first rice cropped of the year. Once you sip it, strong richness and sweetness spreads in your mouth.
西本酒造場[鳥取市青谷町] Nishimoto Shuzo Sake Brewery [Aoya Town, Tottori City]
女性杜氏が造る、流麗な香りと優しさ、柔らかさ、そして後味のキレが魅力のやや辛口酒。 A dry sake made by a woman chief sake brewer. Elegant, soft and gentle fragrant and clear aftertaste is excellent.
太田酒造場[八頭郡若桜町] Ota Shuzo Sake Brewery
丁寧に完全発酵させ、酒造米「玉栄」のコクある旨みと酸味のバランスが良い。すっきりとした爽やかなキレのある味わい。 Fermentation have done completely by using sake brewing rice “Tamasakae”. A refreshing, clear and dry taste.
千代むすび酒造[境港市] Chiyo Musubi
高田酒造[岩美町] Takata Shuzo
福羅酒造[湯梨浜町] Fukura Syuzo
中井酒造[倉吉市] Nakai Shuzo Sake Brewery [Kurayoshi City]
醪を絞ったままの無濾過無加水のピュアな大吟醸原酒。しっかりとした酒本来の旨みをそのまま味わえる。 Pure undiluted Daiginjyo from fermentation mash. You can enjoy the original taste of sake.
久米桜酒造[西伯郡伯耆町] Kumezakura Daisen Brewery [Hoki Town, Saihaku District]
大山の麓で地下から汲み上げた大山伏流水で丁寧に仕上げた。すっきりとした口当たりの良い爽やかな印象。 Carefully brewed sake with subsoil water of Mt. Daisen. It has refreshing and clear taste.
久米桜酒造[西伯郡伯耆町] Kumezakura Daisen Brewery [Hoki Town, Saihaku District]
久米桜酒造[西伯郡伯耆町] Kumezakura Daisen Brewery [Hoki Town, Saihaku District]
ホップのきいた爽快な香味の淡色ビール。日本の淡色ビールでなじんだ味わい。 A pale lager with a refreshing aroma of hop. Taste familiar with Japanese pale lager.
JAP Brewery[米子市] JAP Brewery [Yonago City]
ホップの華やかな香りがするフルーティーな味わい。副原料には地産の旬の果物を使用している。 Fruity taste with a gorgeous aroma of hop. The local fruits are used for ingredients.
倉吉ビール KURAYOSHI Beer
倉吉ビール KURAYOSHI Beer
倉吉ビール KURAYOSHI Beer
倉吉ビール KURAYOSHI Beer
倉吉ビール KURAYOSHI Beer
キリンビール KIRIN Beer
北条ワイン醸造所[東伯郡北栄町] Hojyo Winery [Hokuei Town, Tohaku District]
北条砂丘産マスカット・ベリーA種。マイルドで程よい酸味と軽いソフトな渋みをもつ。ライトとミディアムの中間。 Brewed from Muscat Bailey A of Hojyo dessert. It has a mild acidity and light astringency. Between light and medium body.
北条ワイン醸造所[東伯郡北栄町] Hojyo Winery [Hokuei Town, Tohaku District]
2013年自家ぶどう園甲州種。7ヶ月間の樽熟成と瓶熟成をブレンド。繊細で口当たりがまろやかな熟成感たっぷりな辛口。 Brewed from homegrown Kosyu of 2013. Blended with 7 month barrel aging wine and bottle aging wine. Dry wine with delicate, soft and mellow taste.
倉吉ワイナリー[倉吉市] Kurayoshi Winery [Kurayoshi City]
鳥取県中央砂丘、前田ヴィンヤードの甲州種。フルーティな酸味とのバランスが良い。 This wine uses Koshu grape from Meda vineyard in the middle of Tottori Sand Dunes. Well balanced taste of fruitiness and acidity.
倉吉ワイナリー[倉吉市] Kurayoshi Winery [Kurayoshi City]
鳥取県中央砂丘地栽培カベルネソーヴィニヨン。果実味と甘い香りのあるミディアムボディ。 This wine used Cabernet Sauvignon grown in the middle of Tottori Sand Dunes area. Medium body with fruity and sweet fragrant.
兎ッ兎ワイナリー[鳥取市国府町] Totto Winery [Kokufu Town, Tottori City]
八頭町産甲斐ノワール種。寒暖差のある気候と清流八東川の恵を受け、凝縮した果実味とスパイス感、しっかりした酸味が印象的。 Use Noir type grape from Yazu Town. Thanks to the climate with big temperature difference and the blessing of the clear stream, this wine has impressive taste of condensed fruitiness, aroma of spice and acidity.
梅津酒造[東伯郡北栄町] Umezu Shuzo Sake Brewery [Hokuei Town, Tohaku District]
鳥取産砂丘長芋の優しい風味とあじわいがあり微かな苦み。3~4年熟成。〈減圧蒸留 無濾過〉 Slight bitterness and soft taste from Yamaimo (yam) from Tottori Sand Dunes. It has been aged for 3 to 4 years (reduced pressure distillation, unfiltered).
梅津酒造[東伯郡北栄町] Umezu Shuzo Sake Brewery [Hokuei Town, Tohaku District]
湯梨浜町野花産野花梅を使用。完熟梅を野花のために造った日本酒に二年以上漬け込んで熟成。驚くほどまろやかで濃醇な味わい。 It used Nokyo plum from Nokyo, Yurihama town. Aged in sake made for Nokyo for more than two years. It has surprisingly mild and rich taste.
オーガニックの豆を使用し、焙煎度を調整して作ったオリジナルブレンドコーヒー、素直な味が感じられるオーガニック紅茶、ハーブティーなど、心を込めた一杯をご提供いたします。 We offer the best beverage such as originally blended and roasted coffee made with organic beans, organic black tea with refreshing flavor, herbal tea etc.
オーガニック豆を浅煎りしたオリジナルブレンドコーヒー Original coffee with blonde roasted organic coffee beans.
オーガニックの茶葉を使用した、香りの良い紅茶 Fragrant black tea and herbal tea using organic tea leaves.
アールグレイ / ダージリン Earl Gray / Darjeeling
搾りたてのようなフレッシュなオーガニックジュースとこだわりのシロップを炭酸で割ったスパークリングジュースなど。 Organic juice like freshly squeezed juice and sparkling water with selected syrup and so on.
We offer dessert time after dinner including our homemade gelato, soft serve ice cream using our special eggs `Tenbiran` and some kinds of our selected sweets.
We can arrange some special requests like birthdays and anniversaries at extra cost. If you have any questions and need some arrangement, please contact our staff by the day before.
平飼い鶏が産んだ天美卵を使った、濃厚な卵のおいしさを感じる味わい。 You can feel the rich taste of Tenbiran egg made by open-space breeding.