BARカウンターの他、外で星空を見ながらのJAPANESE BARタイムを。
From more than 10 of the sake breweries in Tottori Prefecture, we selected special local sake carefully so that you can enjoy tasting and comparing a variety of different sake brews. Local craft beers, wines, shochu and plum wine brewed in Tottori are also available.
You can drink on the bar counter and outside watching the night sky.
We selected special local sakes carefully in the types of Junmai, Junmai Ginjo and Junmai Daiginjo so you can taste sakes which are not sold out of Tottori.
クラフトビールはきめ細やかな泡まで楽しんで欲しいから、樽生でご提供いたします。また、ワインも鳥取県内のものをご用意しました。どれも丁寧な仕込の技で広がる味わいが素晴らしい一杯です。ブルワリー、ワイナリーごとの個性の違いがお愉しみいただけます。 Since we would like you to enjoy the fine foam of craft beer, we serve it from oak barrels in the bar. We selected the wine also from wineries in Tottori. Every single wine has great taste carefully made by master craftsman. Please enjoy the difference of taste by breweries and wineries.