Glass Square entirely covered with lawn is so open that you feel like running around barefoot. Here you can spend lying down on the organically grown lawn, reading with coffee, or running around with the child ....
If you listen carefully, you will notice many kinds of insects and birds voice. It will be an opportunity to see plants and animals which you do not notice in your ordinal life.
In the evening, lying down on the grass and spending time slowly to look at the starry sky is unique experience in this place.
There are lending of astronomical telescopes and binoculars to watch stars so enjoy shooting stars and the Milky Way that cannot be seen in the city and spend a luxurious moments.
かわいいインテリアのグランピングテントを貸し切りにして、ドリンクを飲みながら夜をお過ごしいただけるプランもご用意しています。ご家族や友達や大事な人と特別な時間を過ごしたい方にはおすすめです。 You can rent one of 4 kinds of Glamping tent with cute interiors inside and spend the night with a drink. Please spend a special time of your own.
※Renting is only for guests who stay and please ask us at front desk on that day.